MetroPol Construction Company
In Tehran in2003(under the name Amoun Bon)
Location in Canada:Vancouver,BritishColumbia
Scope of Activities:
MetroPol Construction Company specializes in executing building operations, building installations, and all related tasks including design, construction, procurement, sale of relevant materials
Successful Projects:
With over60successful projects in various fields of construction& industry,MetroPol has proven its dynamic presence in the field of urban development&construction
Management Board:
In 2016,considering its capabilities&design&executive experiences, the management board decided to register as consulting engineers & obtained relevant certificates
The company's focus on quality management and time control is evident through its acquisition of ISO9001-2015certification
Management Perspective:
The current management's primary focus lies in ensuring client satisfaction and adhering to quality management and time control principles
Establishing a Quality Benchmark:
By obtaining ISO9001-2015certification&promoting the ISO culture among its employees, MetroPol has set a clear benchmark in quality management
Expansion to Canada:
In line with its growth strategy, MetroPol established its presence in Canada, particularly in Vancouver,BritishColumbia.Specializing in resurfacing and polishing concrete, the company has undertaken various projects in the region, adhering to international standards&leveragin its specialized expertise.